Well, here we are, finally. After talking about this for way too long, due to good mixture of procrastination and somewhat poor excuses, I have finally shipped. This is my new site and I'm quite happy with it and the way it has turned out. If you were at all familiar with my old site you'll probably notice some definite changes. Changes like a more focused approach to my portfolios. You may also notice a lack of colour with my photographs. It's not that I am against colour,actually I quite enjoy it. Black and White however, is the medium that I am currently most comfortable with and I feel that it works best with the photos I am making.
So why a new site? What was wrong with your old one?
Those were some of the questions and or responses I would get when mentioning I was building one. So here are a few answers:
I was really wanted a cleaner, fresher look and the software (www.squarespace.com) I use had come out with their new version (yes I know that was in 2012) that had a lot of new, highly customizable templates to choose from. I took my time learning the ins and outs of most of the templates and just how to get the look and feel I was wanting. More on the nerd side of why, is when squarespace launched their new software, it was more than just new templates. It had been rewritten from the ground up. They changed everything and the way you now add content and edit your site is so much nicer and intuitive then previously, the nerd in me couldn't pass it up.
A second reason is I have been wanting a way to sell prints from my website, without you needing to jump through hoops to do so. Along with the slew of new templates, along came the ability to do just that. I am excited to implement that into the site, I just haven't set that part in motions just yet but it will be coming soon.
There is a handful of people I would like to thank that have helped me with this project. Either with giving an objective view on the basic look of the site. With the curation of photographs and proofreading /editing through portions of the writing and just overall encouragement. To save myself and possibly the ones who I am thanking from embarrassment, I'll just say; you know who you are. Without your help this may have never been completed.
Thank you.
-Kris Schofield