I'm currently on a bit of a road trip out to the west coast and have seen some awesome sunsets and some clouds wrapping around mountain tops. This made me want to test something out. So lucky you, the reader, get to be my test subjects.
I recently bought a Canon 6D. I have been wanting to upgrade to a Full Frame SLR and between some OT and my day job and getting some more client work I was able to make it work. I know the arguments of it's not the gear etc and I may get into that another time but not today.
My experiment I am wanting to try and see how it works is:
- I'm on the road.
- I have my iPhone and my 6D.
- I use Squarespace for my website, which have great mobile apps for blogging etc.
The 6D has built in wifi, a feature I have always dismissed in DSLRs, until now. Canon has an app called EOS Remote it has a bunch of really neat nerdy things in there which the tech geek in me loves. The one main feature is the ability to view and transfer the .jpg previews onto you iphone. Ok I know Big Deal, but here is my experiment. Those jpg transfers are the photos are here in this blog post, with a mild bit of editing in snapseed
Are they the best quality I could put out, probably not. Are they a preview of what I could be working on and get people interested? Hell yes.
So here is to no more iPhone photos of the LCD screen of my SLR as a preview of what's to come. I'm enjoying this new bit of tech and it may even help me to post more on my blog.
Welcome to my experiment.