It was a gallery group show called “The Art of Long Exposure” at Photohaus Vancouver Gallery in early 2013 when I first met Kris Schofield. I had seen his work on sites like 500px and was always drawn to his ability to evoke a certain amount of emotion through a minimalist photograph. We photographed similar subjects and while I was predominantly using colour and he black and white, there was a mutual respect that formed through cyberspace for what we both created.
We followed each other on Twitter ( @kboylestudio @istaphoto ) and when I got to the opening reception at Photohaus, I happened to tweet that I was looking at his work on the wall. He replied, “you’re here too?” and after trying to figure out who each other was, I finally met this thoughtful, carefully worded, young man, and it all made sense. The photographs that he takes are an extension of himself. Carefully crafted, minimalist in nature and rife with subtle, raw, emotion.
I instantly took a shine to Kris, which for a mean bastard like me is strange in itself, and we did our best to stay in touch.
When it came time to compose a series for a solo exhibition for myself, I flew to Calgary and Kris was a most gracious host. Together we spent 11 hours touring around the abandoned plains of southwest Alberta and on that day, while listening to early 90’s rap while getting lost and talking shit before taking photos, I saw a true artist. Waiting for the lighting to be just right and the clouds to be perfect before he composed his photograph. All this while standing back and allowing me to work, knowing that there was a lot riding on this outing. Together we created beautiful imagery that while taken in the same place, might as well have been on another planet.
I came to appreciate during that day that not only was Kris Schofield a very talented photographer and artist, but that he was a quality person that I was lucky to have met.
Kris is a not only a photographer that has earned my respect, but a man that I am proud to call a friend.
Kevin Boyle 2014